tisdag 26 december 2006
onsdag 20 december 2006
35 weeks, not much left to go
Speaking of sleep, I almost wonder if Laura will sleep better once he's born, she has not been sleeping well at all lately...I sleep ok, but I keep waking up several times at night, maybe in preparation for when I have to wake up several times/night ; - )
måndag 4 december 2006
33 weeks and counting...
We are still undecided on names, we have a few picked out, but I think we want to wait until he's born so we can see what name fits him best :- )
måndag 23 oktober 2006
Dreaming of the baby
Just think, in less than 3 months, he will be here : - )
tisdag 17 oktober 2006
onsdag 11 oktober 2006
Kicking and punching...
We're still trying to find a fitting name, one name we had picked out and liked may now become more popular as a hockey player for the Portland Pirates (from Jonkoping, Sweden) has that same name...we want our little boy to have a unique name, but if people see the hockey players' name more people may name their kids that, unless of course they don't like it and don't really know what it means : - ) .
Like I said before, we'd love to hear from you about names and much more, will write more later.
fredag 6 oktober 2006
About 3 months left to go before Baby Bjorn is here :-)
söndag 17 september 2006
What will he be like?
I also wonder how and if he will be able to pick up the Swedish language and if he will even be interested in learning another language, but I will try at least : - ) .
5 1/2 months and counting...I can't wait!
måndag 11 september 2006
Now we can start deciding on a name, we have a few names already, but if you have some ideas, please comment on here or on Laura's website, we'd love to hear more suggestions, it is not as easy as you'd think.
I would love a Swedish name of course, but any name will do really since we already have picked out his middle names : - ) .
torsdag 7 september 2006
It's a.......
Stay tuned for the Big News of what we're having!
Pappa Nicke
måndag 4 september 2006
A link
måndag 28 augusti 2006
10 more days
söndag 6 augusti 2006
Eye color
It allows you to use this online calculator to better figure out what color your baby's eyes will be : - ) , for some reason, I have a strong feeling our baby's eyes will be blue, hehehehe ; - ) , but you never know...right?
onsdag 2 augusti 2006
Reading more..
We also try reading and talking to the baby, studies show that they can hear and understand your voice even while in the womb, which is very interesting. I try to speak Swedish to the little one so that when he/she is here I can start teaching him/her Swedish
fredag 21 juli 2006
It feels so surreal still, but so exciting, this little person will be here in less than 6 months, so impressionable and loveable, I can't wait!
fredag 14 juli 2006
Our little one

This is a picture of our little baby, we got to see him or her on Tuesday when we went to the doctor's office, it was so exciting, I just could not believe how little the baby is, but it moved like it was running a marathon, hope that's not an indicator of how it will be when it comes out, hehehehe.
I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl, not that I really have a preference, either would be nice, as long as they like to sleep in, hehehehe. I have never been a morning person, wonder if I was as a baby or not, have to ask my mom, because I have a feeling how Laura and I were as babies will determine how our baby will be, at least to some degree....
torsdag 6 juli 2006
Not much new to report
söndag 25 juni 2006

Do you ever remember the shows you used to watch as a kid growing up? I am sure we all do, but for some reason, the last few weeks I have been remembering books I used to read, shows I watched, my favorite movies, TV shows, etc. For example, Baltazar, was one of my favorite shows growing up, I am not sure where the show was created, but the show was about a Professor who would invent things using this huge machine and in the end a drop of fluid would come out and his new invention would come about : - )
Some of the other shows I watched was "Bamse", "Dr. Snuggles, and of course all the Astrid Lindgren classics (most of which are now on DVD), and the books I would read, Min Morfar ar en Sjorovare, as well as several Disney classics.
Now that we're about to have a little one of ourselves, I can't wait to share some of these old treasures with them as well as participate as they create their own favorite memories of their favorite shows, books and movies.
torsdag 15 juni 2006
Week 6
torsdag 8 juni 2006
Week 5
Either way, I am happy to have a healthy baby, girl or boy, does not matter to me : - )
torsdag 1 juni 2006
A rough week...
onsdag 31 maj 2006
Week 4
torsdag 25 maj 2006
the news are spreading..
9 months, I have a feeling time will fly right by and before you know it we'll be at the hospital still trying to figure out what the name it...something Swedish is my wish and I know Laura likes that idea as well, now we just have to figure out what, hehehehe.
onsdag 24 maj 2006
Nyheten ar offentligjord
I am sure I am not the first Dad-to-be that experiences this, and I know I won't be the last..
I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl, or maybe one of each! Laura's grandma is a twin, so chances are we may have twins as it skips one generation....