Björn is now loving the idea of pulling himself up on everything he can, sofa, chairs, toilet, tub, coffe table, etc, etc. He wants to get up so he can walk around the area, but the problem is, he lets go and then usually ends up hurting his little head or chin :- ( . He is so excited though when he crawls up to something, pulls himself up and then tries to grab anything he can from the table, hehehehe.
We had thought of buying him a walker, a long time ago, but our pediatrician recommended us to get a jumper toy instead as she said there are too many accidents with the walkers. I did not think much about it, and then this morning in my weekly baby update email, I saw this:
"A baby who's discovered cruising will "walk" around a room supporting himself against furniture and other surfaces for a long while. To encourage walking, hold your baby's hands (with him facing you) when he's standing and see if he can step toward you. Some 9-month-olds are ready for a stable push-toy to move around. One prop not to use is a walker, as they are associated with accidents and may actually impede development, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics."
I thought that was interesting, sometimes it is a Doctor's opinion, but I guess now there are several documented cases and I am glad we did not get him a walker, he gets in to enough accidents as it is without one : - )
tisdag 23 oktober 2007
tisdag 16 oktober 2007
9 Months and time is flying...
Wow, it has been almost a month since my last blog entry and Bjorn is already 9 months old, what happened to the previous 8 months?? We have all been very busy, I am back in school, which is tough as I want to spend time with Bjorn and Laura, which I do from when I come home until he goes to bed, then I try to read, do homework, etc, but it is tough. Bjorn is loving the swimming lessons and this past weekend he went to his friend, Mina's 1st Birthday! He loves playing with the other babies, unfortunately has he not grasped the idea of sharing toys yet, hehehe, but he will soon I am sure of it.

Bjorn at Mina's party - he loved the balloons!
Bjorn at Mina's party - he loved the balloons!
Bjorn is crawling like a mad man, has been now for well over a month, he does not crawl on his knees, but does the army crawl, either way, he gets where he wants to go and fast. He is also pulling himself up on everything and he has attempted to take steps on his own while standing, so I am certain it is not long before he will try to walk...

Bjorn playing at the party
Bjorn playing at the party
He is talking a lot more, one of the words he loves to say is "mamma", and he knows who his Mamma is too :- ) , he says Da-da-da-da, but not Pappa yet, sometimes it sounds like he says "titta", because I say that a lot and then point things out to him, like the cats, which he loves, as soon as I say "titta...kissen", he starts looking for the cats. I hope he will/wants to learn Swedish, I think it would be fun for him to know my language and be able to talk to his Farmor & Farfar in Sweden. Hopefully will it not be another month before I blog, I will do better once my mid-term exam is over and the project work is well underway.
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