Freja was born on July 10th at 10:45 AM, some complications, but mother and child are doing well today, it was very scary when she was born as I was asked to leave the delivery room and I was never told of what was going on, but about 30 minutes later the delivery nurse came to the room and took me to NICU, where Freja was on monitors for breathing, etc, she had lost conciousness while being delivered and did not breath on her own right away. All I could think of the whole time I was waiting was that something was going to happen to Laura and/or Freja, it was the scariest moment in my life. I am so happy to say they are both doing great and are at home with our son, Björn.
I was home with the whole family for the last 10 days, had to go back to work today, which was not fun at all, have no vacation time left for this year, so I look forward to weekends and evenings when I can spend time with everyone. I will post some updated pictures tonight, I know Laura has taken some great photos of our little Princess. Who knew being a Pappa could be such a joy in life, it is definitely a life changing experience, all for the better :- )