onsdag 4 mars 2009

Singing, Dancing, Laughing

Bjorn just loves to dance and sing, he has for a long time, but lately he has really advanced his singing by singing whole songs, I am so amazed he can remember all the words, he loves to sing "Ba, Ba Vita Lamm", "Bjornen Sover" as well as several English songs. Freja loves it when Bjorn is dancing and singing, she just laughs and giggles and it is so cute as she smiles with her whole face, you can really tell on her eyes how happy and excited she is.

Bjorn loves to play "airplane" with Mamma

I am still working on the Swedish with Bjorn, but it has become harder, it is so easy for me to speak English to him as he responds back in English, but when I do talk Swedish to him, he does understand everything I say, sometimes even words I did not know he knew yet...amazing. We met a new Swedish person this weekend, Hakan, who has been in the US for a long time, he said when his daughter turned 5, it became more difficult to keep up with the Swedish as she spoke English in school and quickly learned that her Pappa also speaks and understands English. If we can continue with Bjorn and Freja to remain active with the language, culture, etc, I think we can do it.

"Tough guy" in his Alfons hoodie.