This is the beginning of day 3 home with Bjorn, and he has adjusted really well as have Laura and I. He does wake up every 2 hours to feed during the night and Laura is doing great, she has not complained once about waking up so often and the lack of sleep, hopefully can she take a nap today when he is napping. I have become used to changing diapers now, not a pro yet, but getting better at it. He peed a lot this morning, filled the whole diaper, hehehehe, and he has only peed on me twice since I have been changing his diaper ;- ) .
Yesterday Mormor came by with some food for Mamma and Pappa, which was a nice treat! It really helps having family close by to help with food, and other items you need, it is not easy getting out when you have a little newborn at home. Last night his cousin Shauni dropped off some brownies for Mamma and Pappa, yummo, and later his Aunty Karen and cousin Mitchell visited and brought all kinds of great items for Mamma and Pappa, toilet paper, cleaning items, diapers, all the things you need for a little one and for the household : - ) .
I continue to speak Swedish to him, but when someone asks me a question, I sometimes answer them in Swedish instead of English, hehehe, but I am sure I will get used to switching languages more quickly : - )
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