onsdag 28 mars 2007

Sports Clothing for Björn

Today I had a few minutes at work (not really, but I took a few minutes) and surfed online for Swedish sports clothes for Björn, and I quickly realized that Sweden is not a country where a lot of people order online (at least not for clothes) because I cannot find anything online for little kids as far as Hockey jerseys, Soccer shirts, etc. I was hoping to find a Team Sweden Hockey jersey for him to give as a Christmas gift ( I know, it is early, but cheaper to buy Winter clothes now), but I could not find anything other than for adults or older children. I know in the US you can buy almost anything for little kids, Hockey jerseys especially as parents will buy their favorite team's jersey for their little ones : - ) . I can buy a Djurgarden IF shirt for him, hehehehe, but that would just upset everyone I know from Sundsvall, but I can't seem to find a Timra IF or Sundsvall Hockey...or better yet, an Olympic Team Sweden like mine : -)

Oh well, I will keep searching in hopes of finding one before next Christmas...

3 kommentarer:

ninamy sa...

Nicke undrar om det funkar med en MODO-tröja? :-)

// Nina

Pappa Nicke i USA sa...

Hehehe, en Modo Troja vore inte helt fel heller, speciellt eftersom hans Faster Sandra haller pa Modo :- )

ninamy sa...

Niklas hälsar att den stora Björn Niklas kommer från ö-vik så då måste man nästan hålla på modo. :-)