So much has changed in little time : - ) , Bjorn is now able to hold his own head up and he loves to sit in his jumping toy where he can "stand" up and play with the different toys attached to it. He is also much more active when playing on the floor as well, moving around like he's trying to crawl (which I am sure won't be much long now). He is so much more attentive and has started looking at himself in mirrors intently, before he would just glance at them, now he is staring in to the mirror. He has also started sleeping in his own bed in his room, we started this Friday night and he has only slept with us in the co-sleeper once since then. It is amazing how quickly he's changing right before our eyes, I can truly understand now why parents have more than one baby, you miss that stage when they are so small and just want to be held all the time :- )
2 kommentarer:
Vad fin han är! Gillar han babysittern? Sofies favoritleksak just nu är nog babygymmet.
Jag har också kommit till det där stadiet då jag förstår varför folk skaffar mer än ett barn. :-)
// Nina
Bjorns mormor sitter barnvakt at honom nar Laura arbetar, sa det fungerar super fint! Vi maste skaffa lite mer nya leksaker at Bjorn.
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