Now that Bjorn can sit up better, Laura and I have started taking baths with him, of course the water is very shallow and not as warm as we would normally want it to be, but it is still a lot of fun and enjoyable. It sort of feels like sitting in the puddle of water than runs in to the ocean at the beach, we all know which puddle I am talking about, the one we always want to be in when we were little because the water was nice and warm there, and even as adults, we secretly admire the kids who play in it and can't wait to sit down and play it in again.
When we bathe with Bjorn we bring some of his bath toys and he just loves playing with his duckie, blue boat (I call it the Big Diesel tugboat) and his green plastic cup, which he always try to fill with water, then picks it up with both hands and tries to pour the water in to his mouth, which he has yet to do (which Mamma and Pappa thinks is a good thing, that he has failed to do this...), but it is still fun to watch him try, he will tilt his whole head back and eventually arch his back so he can get better leverage to his mouth, hehehe, but when he tries to pour, it eventually runs out and goes over his body. Just like his Pappa, he loves to play in the tub (remember Farmor and Farfar...), but he does not like getting his hair washed at all, I remember when I was little I would tell my mom (Farmor) that I was all done and when my mom came in she could tell I had not washed my hair...something I hated doing, because I would always proclaim that the shampoo would get in my eyes, even though it rarely, if ever, did, hehehehe.
1 kommentar:
i rember darling that you love to go in to the tub ( poolen ) du kunde simma när du var sex år om jag inte minns fel du var som en liten delfin /mamma granma
love you Nick Laura &Björn
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