Bjorn has changed so much the last few weeks, he is showing more of a temperament, very persistent and knows exactly what he wants and does not give up. He is moving around everywhere, standing on his own, trying to walk, but not quite there yet. He loves reading books and every night we each read at least 2 books each to him, Laura in English and I in Swedish. We can tell he begins to understand when we talk to him, I especially notice how he understands Laura when she asks him to do something, like crawl to the bathroom so he can take his bath at night.
I am not sure yet if he understands me speaking Swedish with him, but I will keep doing so as most studies we read say that you have to be persistent and never to give up. The other night I played Pelle Svanslos for him, but I think he is too young still : - ) . This Christmas, we are watching Kalle Anka as I have it recorded on DVD for him, the older version with Arne Weise, hehehe.
2 kommentarer:
Vad stor han har blivit! Tjusiga killen! :-) Tänk, snart har ni en ettåring där hemma. Kryper han runt en massa? Sofie har myror i brallan och kan inte sitta stilla en sekund, hon kryper och går efter möbler. Full fart! :-)
Jaså man måste beställa saffran på internet? Finns det inte i USA alltså? Ett tips, be sverige-besöken att baka och ta med lite lussekatter istället! :-)
Tack för det otroligt fina julkortet! Vi får ta och packa oss över det stora blå när minstingen vår har blivit större, så att Sofie & Björn får se varandra på riktigt istället för på bilder bara.
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