Wow, it has been over 3 months since I last blogged here, I cannot believe time has flown by. It has been a very busy fall for us, with school (2 classes), swimming lessons, all kinds of activities like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas. Bjorn and Freja are growing up so fast, it is hard to believe. I have always been speaking Swedish to Bjorn since he was born, and I do the same with Freja, but sometimes it is hard not to speak English only to both of them, but I try to do Swedish only. The other day I mentioned to Laura that maybe I should only speak English, and of course, she was angry with me, but I felt a little frustrated and I felt like maybe I was confusing Bjorn. I did not stop, and the other night Bjorn really surprised me, it was probably the best surprise ever.
I usually sing Ba, Ba, Vita Lamm and a few other Swedish bedtime songs, and last night he asked me to sing "Ba, Ba", and before I had chance to start, he started, in SWEDISH, and he knew almost the whole song!! I was so schocked, surprised and happy at the same time, it was just amazing. Tonight when I put him to bed I asked him what song I should sing, "tail", which is Ekorren satt i granen...or "Ba,Ba", and his reply was, Bjornen sover...he just continues to amaze me with his vocabulary, in both English and Swedish, and how he remembers all the words I say. I notice now that when I sign, he watches me closely and listens, so I have to slow down and articulate more so he can hear and understand each and every word in Swedish.
Next week is Christmas, and we talk about Tomten and Santa Claus, Bjorn is so excited this year about Christmas, he keeps saying, "next week, Santa Claus", and then he says, Tomten, hehehehe. I will of course pass on the Swedish tradition of watching "Kalle Anka" at 15 on Christmas Eve, as I have a copy on DVD, we'll see if he is more interested in it this year or not.
Hopefully it will not be 3+ months until next blog entry, but in the meantime, God Jul och Gott Nytt ar till er alla (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you).
2 kommentarer:
God fortsättning till er alla fyra!
Vad roligt att Björn pratar svenska nu. Trägen vinner... Och det är ju så att små barn är väldigt läraktiga. Du ska se att han kommer vara flytande i båda språken framöver. Han är ju smart som sin far, hehehe!
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