tisdag 9 januari 2007

No baby yet...

Well, we went in today hoping that the Doctor would induce labor or schedule a c-section (kejsarsnitt), but no go. She measured the baby again and he is about 7 lbs 14 oz, which is 3,650 grams, so still under 4 000 grams. WE were both very disappointed as we were mentally prepared to go to the hospital and start the delivery process, but she did schedule a c-section for this coming week, possibly already on Monday Jan 15, so keep your fingers crossed that the baby wants to come out on its own before then : - ) .

It still feels very unreal that we're going to be parents, but so exciting at the same time, I just hope I can be a good Pappa to the little man : - ) .

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

You're going to be such a great Pappa. This will be the luckiest little boy in the world!

ninamy sa...

Vad spännande! Nu är det inte många dagar kvar. Vi har 5 veckor kvar enligt beräkningen - känns som en evighet ibland. :-)

Hoppas allt går bra på måndag och att vi snart får se en bild på den lille killen.

/ Niklas & Nina