At Gritty's for lunch on Friday

3 Generations celebrating Julafton
Bjorn and his new Crocodile from IKEA
We had time to do and see a lot during their visit, a trip to the Mall, Old Port for some shopping and dinner (at Norm's East End - my favorite!), and of course celebrate Christmas, with Kalle Anka's Julafton and risgrynsgrot. Bjorn did not really know or understand what was going on with Christmas, but he did enjoy the attention he received from everyone at home and at his gramma and grampa's house. He loved cheese soup which we had on Christmas eve, as well as many other types of foods, in a few years he can try Gramma's famous lobster rolls on Christmas Eve. He received a lot of fun gifts from his family in Sweden as well from us and his family here in the US. He received some fun new toys from IKEA, a playtable (Thomas the train), a rocking zebra, a set of Swedish movies, Alfons Aberg books, Bamse CD (audio books), as well as an Alfons CD and some other music, a new set of PJ's, a new set of plate, cup and silverware with paintings of Elsa Beskow and so much more. Now that Christmas is over, we are settling down and getting ready for his first Birthday.