måndag 18 juni 2007

Father's Day

Yesterday was my very first Father's Day. Bjorn and Laura woke me up a little before 8 as they had both made Pappa some breakfast, his favorite, pancakes, but these were very special pancakes, Toffee-Orange pancakes with orange sauce, yum!
(Nice bedhead, huh?)

After breakfast, Bjorn took a little nap and after his nap I got to open my gifts : - ) . Bjorn and Laura had bought me a new chair (chair in a bag), which I get to use a lot this summer, it is very nice and comfy, unlike my old chair, hehehe. I also received a bit for my drill (a magnetic screw holder), as well as a book with pictures of me and Bjorn from the day he was born until recently. The book is wallet size so I can take it with me everywhere and show everyone our beautiful son : - ) .

As you can see, Bjorn loved helping his Pappa open gifts, he also sucked on the Father's day card he bought for Pappa : - ) . Later in the day we went over to Mormor and Morfar's house to celebrate Morfar on his special day, and Bjorn went in the pool for his very first time. He was not so sure what to think of swimming, but the second time he went in, he went in naked, he was pushing with his legs and splashing with them as he was trying to swim :- )

(swimming with Pappa)

fredag 15 juni 2007

5 Månader

I dag ar Björn 5 månader! Han har växt så otroligt mycket dom senaste 2 månaderna, man kan knappt tro det är sant :- ) . Han älskar att sitta vid bordet med mig och Laura och försöka ta allt han kan nå och stoppa i munnen, speciellt om vi äter middag, vi har försökt att ge honom en liten smak på bla vattenmelon, glass och vatten. Han tycker det är roligt att dricka vatten i hans egen kopp, en sån där plastmugg med handtag på vardera sida. Nästa månad när han blir 6 M ska vi börja mata honom "flingor", dvs, havregrynsflingor för bebisar, de flesta föräldrar säger att när man matar dom flingor på kvällen så sover dom hela natten, vilket vore fint :- )

Björn is now 5 months old! He has grown so much the last couple of months, it is hard to believe it has been 5 months already. He loves to sit with Laura and I at the dinner table trying to get his hands on anything on the table to put in his mouth, especially food. We have given him a little taste of watermelon, ice cream and water. He drinks water out of his own cup, a little mug with handles on each side, you should see his face when he takes a sip, so funny! Next month he will begin with cereal, probably in the evenings. Most parents we talked to say the babies sleep a lot better if they eat cereal in the evening, which would be nice : - ) .

måndag 11 juni 2007

Blommor fran Bjorn

I gar plockade Bjorn blommor at Pappa nar vi var ute och jobbade i tradgarden : - ) . Pappa klippte lite gras och gjorde rent med hans nya "weed wacker", en 32cc maskin som han kopte pa Sears for en vecka sen. Bjorn alskar att vara ute och leka, fast han kan inte krypa i graset an, men han gillar att rulla pa sin filt ute i graset : - ) . I gar brande han sig lite pa armarna sa han sov inte sa bra pa natten, vi hade smorjt in honom med solskydd, men det rackte inte for solen var sa stark i gar och det var narmare 32 grader hela dagen. Vi maste kopa ett litet soltalt at honom sa han kan vara ute och leka utan att branna sig.

söndag 10 juni 2007

A visit to Swedish Mecca

This Saturday, we all went on our pilgrimage to IKEA in Stoughton, MA, aka Swedish Mecca. This was Bjorn's first visit to IKEA, but not the last by any means, hehehehe. We had a good time eating Swedish meatballs in the cafe and some lingondricka and Bjorn loved the toys they had set up in the childrens department, he loved the rocking moose, hehehe. Laura and I are already planning another trip down this Fall to get him the Rocking moose for Christmas and a few other things. Laura and I bought a couple of bookcases (Billy) and some small things for the kitchen, a mat for Bjorn's room (looks like a city with roads) and some goodies from the food section.

måndag 4 juni 2007

Big weekend for Bjorn

This was a big and exciting weekend for Bjorn, he went to his first carnival with Mamma and Pappa, there was a small carnival set up near our house and we all went there on Sunday, where Bjorn got to ride his very first carnival ride, the horses (not sure what it is called in English, hehehe), he was not sure what to think of it, but he smiled for pictures. Later Mamma won him a stuffed dog at one of the booths, she beat Pappa with a second :- ) . Bjorn also learned how to use a computer, he managed to delete a few files, close some windows, but he was very excited about the idea of typing and did not like it when we pulled him away from the computer. Who knows, maybe he will hack in to the Bank when he is 7 and make Mamma and Pappa millionaires, hehehehehe.