söndag 24 februari 2008

Another busy week

Another week has gone by, really quickly again, Bjorn is moving around a lot, running at times, he is very shy at first when we go somewhere, like a restaurant, but after a short time, he warms up to everyone and wants to walk around and talk to everybody there, and of course, who does not want to talk to a smiling baby walking around? This week we had dinner with Per & Becky and Per's Pappa, Arne, it was very nice, Arne treated us all at Gritty's in Freeport.

This weekend the weather was a little nicer, so we were outside and played, Bjorn loves playing in the snow and he always wants to help, whether it is shoveling snow or hacking ice, or inside with cooking dinner, doing laundry, etc. Today we were down in the basement cleaning, which he loves, he loves being down there exploring everything, so while Laura and I cleaned, he was playing with a basketball. I can't wait to do something with the basement, putting up more walls, paint and rugs so we can have a nice, big play room down there, it will give us all more room to play in, we'll see when, first priority is a fence in the front yard so we can play outside and not worry about the cars.

Tomorrow is Laura's appointment when we find out what we're having, we both thought it might be a girl, but now we are not sure...but by tomorrow around 10, we will know : - )

onsdag 6 februari 2008

Bjorn's surgery

This Monday was the day for Bjorn's surgery, we went to Maine Medical at 7:10 in the morning, to arrive and check in around 8, we were called in to the exam room almost immediately, thereafter Bjorn was examined by the nurse, weighed and measured (11.1 kg and 77cm), and then the anesthesiologist came and talked with us about the procedure, and finally his Dr, Dr. Jumper. Laura and I were both emotional wrecks, while Bjorn was his self, he was playing, walking up and down the halls and seemed to do very well. The most difficult part was when the nurse walked him off to surgery on a little truck, we walked with him, but did not want to see him go under anesthesia (the Doctors did not recommend it, as it is very emotional to see your own child going to sleep on the operating table), we both cried.

Then the longest wait of our lives began, from 9:35 to 11:37, when Dr. Jumper came out, he had excellent news, the surgery went very well, he found his right testicle in a hernia (a pocket inside his body), and he was able to move it down successfully. We were then walked in to recovery where Bjorn was still asleep, once he woke up he was not very happy, groggy, and confused, just as they explained he would. We were in recovery for about 2 hours, and Bjorn went in and out of sleep, drank some apple juice, but was not himself. We came home around 15:30 and he started playing a little more. By late evening he was almost 100% again, and yesterday he was full speed ahead : - ) . We are both so relieved that this is over with, I do not want to go through something like this again, it made me think of our friends who went through a much more serious surgery with their daughter, I cannot even imagine how they must have felt...