tisdag 25 mars 2008

On the road again

This is the 2nd trip I make in the last few weeks, I don't like being away from Laura and Bjorn, the last trip was my very first time away from both since Bjorn was born over 14 months ago, it felt very strange. I am leaving in the morning, flight from Rochester to Philadelphia, then Philly to Portland, can't wait to get home! Bjorn has grown so much and is more and more interested in everything, he did pretty well with me leaving, I am not sure he understands why I am not home, but I know he loves it when I come home, I am usually greeted with a big smile every day after work, and this time I am bringing a small present, which i know he will love : - )

Laura's appt went well Monday, I had a chance to go with her before my flight, which was nice! So far everything is looking well, except her aches and pain in her lower back (ichias), her Doctor is going to try some PT for the pain, I hope that works better. 3 weeks until our trip to Sweden, I am still worried about flying across the big blue ocean with Bjorn, but I am sure it will be fine, it will be nice to get home again, almost 2.5 years since the last time, feels like a lot longer since so much has happened since then : - )

torsdag 13 mars 2008

More than half way there

Back in swim class - did not like it at first...

Laura is more than half-way to the delivery day of our little girl, we have a few names picked out, and we both have a favorite name so far : - ) . Bjorn is not quite sure yet of what is going on, I hope he will be ok becoming a big brother, I know he will not like sharing his Mamma, but I think he will grow in to the role of being the big strong brother. This week was hectic, I was in Rochester, NY Sunday - Wed, came home after midnight on Tuesday, exhausted, but I did get to spend the whole day Wednesday with Bjorn, which was nice. I missed him and Laura so much while I was away, this was the very first time I have been away since he was born.

We did have a nice play date on Sunday afternoon with Bjorn's friend Mina, and we also met a new Swedish-American baby, Niklas (great name), he is 6 months old and his Mamma is from Sweden, just like Mina's Mamma. It is so cool that we meet all these Swedish people around here that have kids, it does help for Bjorn to hear Swedish other than from me. He does understand most everything I say to him in Swedish, but so far he has only said "Katt" and "Pappa" in Swedish, the rest is still English, which makes sense since he hears English all day from his gramma.

Bjorn wearing Mamma's glasses - he loves to take our glasses and run away

5 more weeks and we're going over to Sweden, I am so excited about it, it has been almost 2.5 years since the last time we were there, feels like an eternity, I can't wait to show Bjorn everything back home, and of course, take him swimming at Paradis badet, it will be nice for him to see the rest of his Swedish family, I wonder what he will think of all the food and noises, and everything around him.